Spain 2025

Day 1 (Benidorm) January 14, 9AM-5PM (Tuesday)
Instructor: Branko Deljanin (Canada)
Cost: 525 €
Intermediate -Advanced Diamond Workshop
“ID of Lab-grown and Natural Diamonds with Standard and Advanced instruments”
This FULL day workshop is designed for gemologists and appraisers. You will learn about diamond types and how to identify HPHT-grown diamonds with portable instruments (“PL inspector” and mini polariscope with microscope) and microscope. You will also learn how to spot “pattern” in CVD-grown diamonds and identify stone or sometimes use EXA spectrometer for final identification. Over 60 samples of natural and lab-grown diamonds of different colours will be tested.

Day 2 (Benidorm) January 15, 9AM-12:30PM (Wednesday)
Instructor: Branko Deljanin (Canada)
Cost: 300 €
Advanced Diamond Workshop
ID of Treated Natural and Lab-grown Diamonds with Standard and Advanced instruments”
Identification of synthetic and treated diamonds cannot leave aside today the use of various spectroscopy techniques such as Raman, Photoluminescence (PL), FTIR, UV-Vis-NIR, Fluorescence. The wide availability of cheap melee-size synthetic diamonds, very often mounted in jewelry, can pose a huge threat. We will use PL/Jewellery Inspectors for screening of treatments and EXA spectrometer for final identification. Over 40 samples of treated natural and mounted Lab-grown diamonds of different colours will be tested.

Day 2 (Benidorm) January 15, 1:30-5PM (Wednesday)
Instructor: Dr Lore Kiefert (Germany)
Cost: 300 €
Intermediate -Advanced Gem Workshop
“Emerald – Treatments and Country of Origins”
The different types of treatments in emerald are explained and their detection in the microscope, with UV lamps and advanced instruments is given.
The type of formation of emerald and emerald classification systems are discussed. The most important individual emerald deposits are introduced, and their typical inclusions are shown. Basic and advanced methods for the detection of their origin are explained.
Approximately 30 emerald samples of different origins and with different treatments are available for practicing.

Day 3 (Benidorm) January 16, 9AM-5PM (Wednesday)
Instructor: Dr Lore Kiefert (Germany)
Cost: 525 €
Advanced Gem Workshop
“Ruby, Sapphire – Treatments and Country of Origins”
The general properties of ruby and sapphire are given. Ruby and sapphire treatments are shown and their detection with basic and advanced methods is explained.
The types of ruby and sapphire deposits and their influence on properties are discussed, and typical inclusion photos of the various deposits are shown. Basic and advanced methods for the detection of their origin are given, and a connection of properties of certain origins with certain treatments is explained.
Over 60 ruby and sapphire samples of different origins and with different treatments are available for practicing.

Sign up by December 10, 2024 for 3 DAYS and get 10% off, cost is 1,250 €! Limit to 20 participants! NAJ members are getting 10% OFF, please contact NAJ or info@brankogems.com in UK to get Coupon Code.
Hotel “Port Benidorm & Spa” (4*) 125/115 euros per night (double/single room), breakfast, lunch & dinner included!
It’s possible to take only Diamonds or only Gems workshop.