Branko Deljanin es un reconocido Gemólogo e investigador y es el Presidente y Gemólogo Jefe del “Canadian Gemmological Laboratory” (CGL) en Vancouver, Canadá. Con una amplia experiencia en pruebas avanzadas de diamantes y piedras preciosas, se especializa en la identificación de diamantes naturales, tratados y sintéticos. Branko utiliza instrumentos estándar y espectrómetros avanzados para determinar el origen del color en los diamantes y piedras preciosas de color, enfocándose particularmente en la procedencia de los diamantes rosas.
También es un educador destacado, impartiendo programas de “Gemología Intermedia-Avanzada” en 26 países de cuatro continentes. Como colaborador habitual en publicaciones comerciales y gemológicas, ha presentado sus trabajos en numerosas conferencias de prestigio, incluyendo la cofundación de la Conferencia Mediterránea de Gemología y Joyería en 2015. Sus publicaciones recientes incluyen “Laboratory-grown Diamonds” (2020) y “DIAMONDS – Natural, Treated and Laboratory-grown” (2021), que han alcanzado más de 5,000 copias vendidas en todo el mundo. (El libro de 2020 es el que he traducido al español y que se publicaría en enero y del que he informado a Salvador de DiarioJoya que por cierto habría que preguntarle si podría ayudar en la impresión del libro incluso participar como patrocinador de los talleres).
Publicaciones y Referencias
Libro: ‘DIAMONDS (2021) – Natural, Treated, and Laboratory-Grown’ (2021) – Branko Deljanin, Alan Colins, Alexander M., Zaitsev, Taijin Lu, Viktor Vins, John Chapman, Thomas Hainschwang
Libro: ‘Laboratory-grown Diamonds’ (2020) – D. Simic, B. Deljanin, Gemmological Research Industries.
Fascículo: ‘ID of Green Gems with Portable Instruments’ (2020) – B. Deljanin, J. Chapman, Gemmological Research Industries.
Fascículo: ‘ID of Transparent Red, Pink and Purple Gems with Portable Instruments’ – Branko Deljanin, John Chapman, MGJ Conference 2019
Fascículo: ‘Fluorescence as a Tool for Diamond Origin Identification – a Guide’ – J. Chapman, B. Deljanin, G. Spyromilios, MGJ Conference 2017
Artículo: ‘Origin of Pink Diamonds – are they from Argyle, Canada, Laboratory or elsewhere?’, B. Deljanin, A. Peretti , M. Alessandri, AGTA Prism, Fall 2016.
Artículo: ‘Stable Enhancements and Unstable Treatments of Colored Diamonds’, B. Deljanin, InColour, Summer 2016.
Artículo: ‘Record-Size Diamond Grown’, B. Deljanin, M. Alessandri, Dr. A. Peretti, M. Åström, Dr. A.Katrusha, Rapaport, November 2015
Artículo: ‘NDT Breaking the 10ct Barrier’, B.Deljanin, M. Alessandri, Dr. A. Peretti, M. Åström, Dr. A.Katrusha, Contribution to Gemology/Jewellery News Asia, July/September 2015
Artículo: ‘World of Pink Diamonds and their Identification’, B.Deljanin, Dr. A. Peretti, M. Allesandri, InColour Magazine, Spring 2015
Artículo: ‘Chameleon Diamonds – How Heat and Darkness Brint Out the Best in these Colour Changing Stones’, Business Jewellery, February 2015
Artículo: ‘Pretty in pink – How origin reports for pink diamonds may affect their value’, B.Deljanin. Business Jewellery, August 2014
Artículo: ‘New Generation of Synthetic Diamonds Reaches the Market: Lab-grown Blue CVD Diamonds’, Peretti A., Herzog F., Bieri W., Alessandri M., Günther D.,Frick D., Cleveland, E., Zaitsev A.M., Deljanin B. Contribution to Gemmology, March 2014
Artículo: ‘New Generation of Synthetic Diamonds Reaches the Market: Lab-grown Pink CVD Diamonds’, Deljanin B , Herzog F., Bieri W., Alessandri M., Günther D.,Frick D., Cleveland, E., Zaitsev A.M., Peretti A. Contribution to Gemmology, March 2014
Artículo: ‘New Generation of Synthetic Diamonds Reaches the Market: Lab-grown Yellow CVD Diamonds’, Zaitsev A.M, Deljanin B , Peretti A., Alessandri M., Bieri W. Contribution to Gemmology, March 2014
Artículo: ‘A closer look: Screening synthetic diamonds with standard gem instruments’, B.Deljanin. Business Jewellery, December 2013
Artículo: ‘A heated question, what Canadian jewellers should know about tanzanite’, B.Deljanin Business Jewellery, August 2013
Artículo: ‘Fancy that, A technical take on Fancy coloured diamonds’, B.Deljanin. Business Jewellery, December 2013
Artículo: ‘Screening of Colourless and Colored Diamonds for Synthetic Origin’ Rivista Gemmologica Italiana, Italy (in Italian), 2013
Ponencia: ‘Screening of Colourless and Coloured Diamonds for Synthetic Origin with lamp and with ID with Polariscope mounted on microscope; Extended abstract and oral presentation. GIT International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 2012
Artículo: ‘The name game, Is origin the deciding factor? B.Deljanin. Business Jewellery, December 2012
Artículo: ‘Shades of Jade, Are you selling the real deal? B.Deljanin. Business Jewellery, August 2012
Fascículo: ‘Identifying Diamond Types and Synthetic Diamonds with CPF (Cross Polarized Filters)’, D.Simic, B.Deljanin. D&S Gemological Service, 2010.
Ponencia: ’Identification of Stable color, Enhanced colorless and Colored Diamonds, processed by Suncrest Diamonds,USA’, D.Simic, S.Pope, B.Deljanin. Poster. European Diamond Conference, Athens, Greece 2009.
Artículo: ‘Characterization of pink diamonds of different origin: Natural from Argyle, irradiated, HPHT treated, treated with multi-process, coated and synthetic’, B. Deljanin, D. Simic, A. Zaitsev, J. Chapman, T. Middleton, A. De Stefano, et al. Proceedings Volume of Diamond and Related Materials 2008.
Ponencia: ‘Novel Optical Characteristics of Pink Diamonds with Pink Coloration’, I. Dobrinets, A. Zaitsev, N. Del Re, J. Chapman, B. Deljanin. Poster.European Diamond Conference, Sitges, Spain 2008.
Libro: ‘Diamates de Laboratorio, Guia de informacoes sobre Diamntes Gerados por HPHT e CVD’, B. Deljanin, D. Simic. GHI, 2nd Segunda Edicao (Portuguese), 2008.
Libro: ‘Laboratory-grown Diamonds, Information Guide to HPHT-grown and CVD-grown Diamonds’, B. Deljanin, D. Simic. GHI, 2nd edition, 2007.
Ponencia: ‘Identification of Fancy Color Laboratory-grown Diamonds Smaller than 0.09 ct “, D. Simic, B. Deljanin; Poster.De Beers Diamond Conference, Warwick, 2007.
Artículo: ‘Analyzing HPHT’, D. Simic, B. Deljanin. New York Diamonds and Business Jewellery Magazine, 2006.
Ponencia: ‘Characterization of Sapphires from Yogo, Montana’, A. Cade, B. Deljanin, L. Groat, M. Epelboym. GIA Gemological Research Conference, San Diego, 2006.
Ponencia: ‘Study of HPHT-grown Diamonds by Advanced Optical Technologies Corporation (AOTC)’, B. Deljanin, D. Simic, M. Epelboym, A.M. Zaitsev. Poster and Oral presentation. European Diamond Conference, Porto, De Beers Research Conference, Cambridge, and Gemological Research Conference, San Diego, 2006.
Ponencia: ‘Identification problems and solutions for small (0.01 – 0.10 ct) Fancy color synthetic diamonds set in jewelry’, D. Simic. International Jewelry Conference, Bangkok, 2006.
Artículo: ‘Provo Rose, rare 10 ct pink diamond, the latest generation of processed pinks’, D. Simic, B. Deljanin. Idex Magazine, 2005.
Ponencia: ‘Cross Reference Identification System (CIS) – Database and Tool for Diamond Research’, D. Simic, B. Deljanin; Poster. European Diamond Conference, Lyon, and De Beers Research Conference. Oxford, 2005.
Artículo: ‘A Gemological Study of a Collection of Chameleon Diamonds’, T. Hainschwang, ‘D. Simic, E. Fritsch, B. Deljanin, S. Woodring, and N. DelRe. Gems & Gemology, Spring 2005.
Artículo: “IIb or not IIb (diamonds) that is the question?” D. Simic, S. Woodring, B. Deljanin. Rapaport, 2005.
Artículo: ‘Stability Test of Artificially Irradiated Colored Diamonds’, D. Simic, S. Woodring, B. Deljanin. Rapaport, 2004.
Artículo: ‘Processed Pinks’, D. Simic, S. Woodring, B. Deljanin.Rapaport, Nov. 2004.
Ponencia: ‘Use of chatodoluminescence techniques for the separation of gem-quality type IIa natural, HPHT-treated and lab-created diamonds (HPHT and CVD)’, B. Deljanin, H. Kanda, J. Ponahlo, D. Simic, E. Fritsch; Poster. European Diamond Conference, Lago di Garda, 2004.
Ponencia: ‘Identification of CVD gem-quality, single crystal diamonds, as grown and HPHT- treated’, B. Deljanin, T. Hainschwang, E. Fritsch, J.P. Chalain, H. Kanda, J. Ponahlo, D. Simic, M. Krzemnicki, M. Akaishi, R. Linares; Oral presentation. ICNDST – Tokyo and De Beers Research Conference, Warwick, 2004.
Ponencia: ‘New challenge for jewelry industry: Laboratory-grown CVD gem-quality diamonds’, B. Deljanin, D. Simic. R. Linares; Oral presentation. Material Research Conference, Boston, 2003.
Artículo: ‘Update on study of CVD diamonds’, B. Deljanin, T. Hainschwang, E. Fritsch. Jewellery News Asia, December 2003 (English and Chinese).
Artículo: ‘HPHT-processed diamonds from Korea’ D. Simic, B. Deljanin. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 39, Fall 2003.
Ponencia: ‘Characterization of type IaB diamonds under High Pressure High Temperature Treatment (HPHT)’, B. Deljanin, E. Fritsch; Oral presentation. European Diamond Conference, Budapest, 2001.
Ponencia: ‘A new HPHT process to modify color of natural diamonds’, B. Deljanin, E. Fritsch; Poster. European Diamond Conference; Porto, 2000.
Fascículo: ‘Changing the Color of Diamonds: The High pressure High Pressure Explained’, B. Deljanin, G.E. Sherman. EGL USA, 2000.
Ponencia: ‘Classification and Heat Treatment of Geuda sapphire at Ratnapura, Sri Lanka’, B. Deljanin; Poster, GIA Symposium, San Diego, 1999