Lore Kiefert es una gemóloga distinguida con una amplia experiencia en identificación de gemas y educación. Ha ocupado cargos significativos, incluyendo Directora de Laboratorio en AGTA de Estados Unidos, Jefa Gemóloga en Gübelin de Lucerna, Suiza y Jefa del Departamento de Piedras de Color en SSEF de Basilea, Suiza. Actualmente, desempeña la Asesoría Académica en la Universidad Metropolitana de Hong Kong y es Profesora Asociada en la Universidad Tongji en Shanghái.
Lore está dedicada a la certificación de piedras preciosas y ha realizado talleres a nivel mundial, incluyendo en EE. UU., Hong Kong, Australia y varios países europeos. Es una figura influyente en el campo, reconocida por sus contribuciones a revistas especializadas y su papel en la junta editorial de “Gems & Gemology” publicación de GIA de Estados Unidos y el “Journal of Gemmology” publicación de la “Gemmological Association of Great Britain” (Gem-A). Sus compromisos recientes incluyen la entrega de capítulos para cuatro libros y la coautoría de notables publicaciones.
Publicaciones, incluidas algunas (no todas) de las actas de conferencias y artículos de Gem News (en orden cronológico).
- Schmetzer, K. & Kiefert, L. (1986): Untersuchung eines Sapphir-Katzenauges aus Burma. – Z. Dt. Gemmol. Ges. 35, 105-111
Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1986): Rosafarbene und violette Sapphire aus Nepal. – Z. Dt. Gemmol. Ges. 35, 113-125
3. Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1986): Morphologie und Zwillingsbildung bei synthetischen blauen Sapphiren von Chatham. – Z. Dt. Gemmol. Ges. 35, 127-138.
4. Schmetzer, K. & Kiefert, L. (1987): Investigation of sapphire cat’s eye from Burma. – J. Gemm. 20, 346-349.
5. Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1987): Pink and violet sapphires from Nepal. – Australian Gemmologist16, 225-230.
6. Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1987): Blaue und gelbe Sapphire aus der Provinz Kaduna, Nigeria. -Z. Dt. Gemmol. Ges. 36, 61-78
7. Kiefert, L. (1987): Mineralogische Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung und Unterscheidung natuerlicher und synthetischer Sapphire. – Diplomarbeit, Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut der Universitaet Heidelberg, 203 pp.
8. Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1988): Blue and yellow sapphire from Kaduna Province, Nigeria. – J. Gemm. 20, 427-442
9. Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1988): Morphology and twinning in Chatham synthetic blue sapphire. – J. Gemm. 21, 16-22.
10. Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1989): Die mikroskopische Bestimmung struktureller Merkmale optisch einachsiger natuerlicher und synthetischer Edelsteine. Teil1: Theoretische Grundlagen und Beschreibung der Untersuchungsmethoden. – Goldschmiede und Uhrmacher Zeitung 87, H. 11, 105-112
11. Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1990): Die mikroskopische Bestimmung struktureller Merkmale optisch einachsiger natuerlicher und synthetischer Edelsteine. Teil 2: Beispiele fuer die Anwendbarkeit struktureller Merkmale auf Probleme der Unterscheidung natuerlicher Smaragde von synthetischen, im Flussmittel- oder Hydrothermalverfahren gezuechteten Smaragden. – Goldschmiede und Uhrmacher Zeitung 88, H.1, 158-162.
12. Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1990): Die mikroskopische Bestimmung struktureller Merkmale optisch einachsiger natuerlicher und synthetischer Edelsteine. Teil 3: Beispiele fuer die Anwendbarkeit struktureller Merkmale auf Probleme der Unterscheidung natuerlicher und synthetischer Saphire, Rubine, Amethyste und Citrine. – Goldschmiede und Uhrmacher Zeitung 88, H.2, 151-161
13. Schmetzer, K. & Kiefert, L. (1990): Spectroscopic evidence for heat treatment of blue sapphires from Sri Lanka – additional data. – J. Gemm. 22, 80-82.
14. Schmetzer, K. & Kiefert, L. (1990): Water in beryl – a contribution to the separability of natural and synthetic emeralds by infrared spectroscopy. – J. Gemm. 22, 215-223.
15. Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1991): The microscopic determination of structural properties for the characterization of optical uniaxial natural and synthetic gemstones. Part 1: General considerations and description of the methods. – J. Gemm. 22, 344-354
16. Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1991): The microscopic determination of structural properties for the characterization of optical uniaxial natural and synthetic gemstones. Part 2: Examples for the applicability of structural features for the distinction of natural emerald from flux-grown and hydrotermally grown synthetic emerald. – J. Gemm. 22, 427-438.
17. Kiefert, L. & Schmetzer, K. (1991): The microscopic determination of structural properties for the characterization of optical uniaxial natural and synthetic gemstones. Part 3: Examples for the applicability of structural features for the distinction of natural and synthetic sapphire, ruby, amethyst and citrine. – J. Gemm. 22, 471-482
18. Kiefert, L., McTainsh, G.H., Nickling, W.G. (1992): Pretreatment techniques for particle-size analysis of dust samples from High-volume sampler filter papers. J. Sed. Petrology, 62, 729-731
19. Kiefert, L. & Page, D. (1993): The effect of small sample sizes on clay mineral identification. Poster presented at the 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide, SA.
20. Kiefert, L., McTainsh, G. (1994): Clay minerals in East Australian dust. In: Churchman, G.J., Fitzpatrick, R.W., Eggleton, R.A. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide, SA.
21. Hänni,H.A. & Kiefert,L. (1994): AGEE hydrothermal synthetic emeralds.- Jewel Siam Oct./Nov. 80-85.
22. Hänni,H.A. & Kiefert,L. (1995): AGEE hydrothermal synthetic emeralds.- Schweizer Uhren- und Schmuckjournal, 294-297 (D, F, E, Sp)
23. Kiefert, L. & McTainsh, G.H. (1996): Oxygen isotope abundance in the quartz fraction of aeolian dust: implications for soil and ocean sediment formation in the Australasian region. – Aust. J. Soil Res., 34, 467-473
24. Hänni,H.A., Kiefert,L. & Chalain,J-P. (1996): How to identify fillings in emeralds using Raman spectroscopy.- Jewellery News Asia, September, 154 – 156.
25. Hänni,H.A., Kiefert,L. & Chalain,J-P. & I.C. Wilcock (1996): Ein Renishaw Raman Mikroskop im gemmologischen Labor: Erste Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung.- Z.Dt.Gemmol.Ges. 45/2, 55 -70.
26. Hänni,H.A., Kiefert,L. & Chalain,J-P. (1996): First experiences of application: A Renishaw Raman microscope in the gemmological Laboratory. – Jewelry Circle’s Magazine, 40, 82 – 86.
27. Kiefert, L., Schmetzer, K., Krzemnicki, M.S., Bernhardt, H.J. & Hänni, H.A. (1996): Sapphires from Andranondambo area, Madagascar.- J. Gemm. 25, 3, 185 – 209.
28. Kiefert, L., Schmetzer, K., Krzemnicki, M.S., Bernhardt, H.J. & Hänni, H.A. (1996): Ein neues Saphirvorkommen im Süden von Madagaskar.- (Deutsche) Goldschiedezeitung, 9/96, 89 – 91 , Forts. 11/96, 73 – 77.
29. Kiefert, L., Hänni, H.A. & Chalain, J-P. (1996): Various applications of a Raman microscope in a gemmological laboratory. – Proc. 2nd Australian Conference on Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2-4 October 1996, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, p. 202-203.
30. Kiefert, L. & Schmidt, S. Th. (1996): Some Tanzanite Imitations. – Gems & Gemology, Vol. 32, No. 4, p. 270-276.
31. Kiefert,L., Hänni,H.A., & Chalain,J-P. (1996): First experiences of application: A Renishaw Raman Microprobe in the gemmological laboratory.- GEORAMAN-96, Institut des Matériaux de Nantes, Nantes, France, 10-12 June 1996. In: Terra abstracts. Abstract supplement No. 2 to TERRA nova, Vol. 8, p. 19.
32. Kiefert, L. & Hänni, H.A. (1996): Detection of fissure fillings in emeralds using a Raman microscope. – Proc. 2nd Australian Conference on Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2-4 October 1996, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, p. 73-74.
33. Hänni, H.A., Kiefert,L., Chalain, J-P. & Wilcock, I.C. (1997): A Raman microscope in the gemmological laboratory: first experiences of application.- J. Gemmol. 25, 6, 394 – 406.
34. Schmetzer, K., Kiefert, L., Bernhardt, H.J., Zhang, B. (1997): Characterization of Chinese Hydrothermal synthetic Emerald. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 33, No. 4, 276 – 291.
35. Schmetzer, K., Kiefert, L., Bernhardt, H.J., Zhang, B. (1997): Im Hydrothermalverfahren gezüchtete synthetische Smaragde aus China. Goldschmiedezeitung, Teil 1: Mai 1998, Teil 2: Juni 1998.
36. Chalain, J.-P., Hänni, H.A., & Kiefert, L. (1998): Determination des substances de remplissage dans les Èmeraudes.- in ”L’Emeraude”, Association Francaise de Gemmologie, Paris.
37. Hänni, H.A., Schubiger, B., Kiefert, L. & Häberli, S. (1998): Raman investigations on two historical objects from Basel cathedral: the reliquary cross and Dorothy monstrance.- Gems & Gemmology, summer, 102 -114.
38. Schmetzer, K. & Kiefert, L. (1998): The colour of Igmerald (I.G. Farbenindustrie flux-grown synthetic emerald). – J. Gemm. 26, 64 – 84.
39. Schmetzer, K. & Kiefert, L. (1998): Zur Färbung von Igmerald (synthetischer Smaragd, hergestellt von der IG. Farbenindustrie). – Goldschmiedezeitung, in Vorbereitung, Sommer 1998.
40. Kiefert, L, Hänni, H.A., Chalain, J.P. & Weber, W. (1999): Identification of filler substances in emeralds by infrared and Raman spectroscopy. – J.Gemmol.26, 8, 501-520.
41. Schmetzer, K., Kiefert, L. & Bernhardt, H.-J. (1999): Multicomponent inclusions in Nacken synthetic emeralds. – J. Gemmol. 26, 487-500.
42. Schmetzer, K., Kiefert, L. & Bernhardt, H.-J. (2000): Purple to purplish red chromium-bearing taaffeites.- Gems & Gemology, Spring, 50-59.
43. Kiefert, L. (2000): Hauyn aus der Eifel – ein attraktiver Edelstein. – Z. Dt. Gemmol. Ges. 49, 2, 103-114.
44. Kiefert, L. & Hänni, H.A. (2000): Gem-Quality Haüyne from the Eifel District, Germany.- Gems & Gemology, Fall, 246-253.
45. Kiefert, L., Hänni, H.A. & Chalain, J-P. (2000): Identification of gemstone treatments with Raman Spectroscopy. – Optical Devices and Diagnostics in Materials Science. Andrews, D.L., Asakura, T., Jutamulia, S., Kirk, W.P., Lagally, M.G., Lal, R.B. & Trolinger, J.D. (Eds.): Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4098241-251.
46. Schmetzer, K., Gübelin, E., Bernhardt, H.-J. & Kiefert, L. (2000): Oriented inclusions in spinels from Madagascar. – J. Gemm. 27, 4, 229-232.
47. Kiefert, L., Schmetzer, K. & Hänni, H.A. (2001): Synthetic moissanite from Russia.- J.Gemmol.27, 8, 471-481.
48. Kiefert, L. (2001): Behandlungen von Smaragd. – Extra Lapis No. 21, Smaragde der Welt, 79-81.
49. Schmetzer, K., Hainschwang, T., Kiefert, L. & Bernhardt, H.-J. (2001): Pink to Pinkish Orange Malaya Garnets from Bekily, Madagascar. – Gems & Gemology 37, No. 4, 296-308.
50. Kiefert, L., Schmetzer, K. & Hänni, H.A. (2002): Russian synthetic moissanite. – Ed.: Jehlicka, J. & Kühn, J.: Georaman 2002, 5th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy Applied to the Earth Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, June 12-15, 2002. – In: Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica 46, 1, 40-41.
51. Kiefert, L. (2002): Emerald Treatments. The processes and how to recognize them. – In: Emeralds of the World, ExtraLapis English No. 2, 79-81.
52. Schmetzer, K., Hainschwang, T., Bernhardt, H.-J. & Kiefert, L. (2002): New Chromium- and Vanadium-Bearing Garnets from Tranoroa, Madagascar. – Gems & Gemology 38, No. 2, 148-155.
53. Schmetzer, K., Hainschwang, T., Kiefert, L. & Bernhardt, H.-J. (2002): Rosa bis rosa-orangefarbene Malaya-Granate aus Bekily, Madagaskar. – Goldschmiedezeitung No. 6, 80-85.
54. Kiefert, L. (2002): Zuchtperlen vom Golf von Kalifornien, Mexiko. – Z. Dt. Gemmol. Ges. 51/2-3, 121-132.
55. Kiefert, L., Vandenabeele, P. & Hänni, J. (2002): “Rainbow Calsilica”. – In: Laurs, B. (Ed): Gem News International, Gems & Gemology. Vol. 38, No. 4, 360-362.
56. Schmetzer, K., Burford, M., Kiefert, L., & Bernhardt, H.-J. (2003): The first transparent faceted grandidierite from Sri Lanka. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 39, No. 1, 32 – 37.
57. Kiefert, L. (2003): An unusual star quartz. Gems & Gemology, Gem News International, Vol. 39, No. 3, 234 – 235.
58. Kiefert, L. (2003): Synthetic spinel with unusual inclusions. Gems & Gemology, Gem News International, Vol. 39, No. 3, 239 – 240.
59. Kiefert, L. (2003): Verschiedenfarbige Bernsteine aus dem Baltikum. – Rohm Zeit, No. 4, Nov. 2003, 20 – 21.
60. Kiefert, L. (2003): Rainbow Calsilica. Journal of the Gemmological Association of Hong Kong. Vol. 24, 41 – 46.
61. Kiefert, L., Hänni, J., Vandenabeele, P., Moens, L. & Hammer, V.M.F. (2003): Der Stein des Regenbogens: „Rainbow-Calsilica“. Z. Dt. Gemmol. Ges. 52/4, 151-162.
62. Hänni, H.A., Kiefert, L., Chalain, J.P. & Krzemnicki, M.S. (2004): Are new sapphires from Sri Lanka diffusion-treated or not? Jewellery News Asia, March 2004, 88-90.
63. Schmetzer, K., Kiefert, L. & Hänni, H.A. (2004): Asterism in beryl, aquamarine and emerald – an update. J. Gemm., Vol. 29, 65-71.
64. Kiefert, L., McLaurin Moreno, D., Arizmendi, E., Hänni, H.A. & Elen, S. (2004): Cultured Pearls from the Gulf of California, Mexico. Gems & Gemol. 40, 26-38.
65. Kiefert, L., & Schmetzer K. (2004): Synthetic Verneuil corundum with unusual color zoning. Gems & Gemology, Gem News International, Vol. 39, No. 3, 234 – 235.
66. Schmetzer, K., Kiefert, L., Bernhardt, H.-J. & Burford, M. (2005): Gem-quality musgravite from Sri Lanka. – J. Gemm., Vol. 29, 281-289.
67. Schmetzer, K., Kiefert, L., Bernhardt, H.-J., Burford, M. & Gunasekara, D.P. (2005): Iron- and zinc-rich gem-quality taaffeites from Sri Lanka. – J. Gemm., Vol. 29, 290-298.
68. Schmetzer, K., Kiefert, L. & Bernhardt, H.-J. (2005): Four-rayed Star Beryl from Madagascar. – Canadian Gemmologist, Vol. 26, No. 1, 9-12.
69. Hänni, H.A., Kiefert, L. & Giese, P. (2005): X-ray luminescence, a valuable test in pearl identification. – J. Gemm., Vol. 29, 325-330.
70. Kiefert, L. & Du Toit, G. (2005): Cubic zirconia as rough sapphire imitation. – Gems & Gemology, Gem News International, Vol. 41, 362.
71. Kiefert, L. & Koivula, J.I. (2005): Emerald phantom crystal. – Gems & Gemology, Gem News International, Vol. 41, 351-352.
72. Kiefert, L. (2006): Fascination pearls: Natural, Cultured & Imitation Pearls. Prism, Newsletter of the American Gem Trade Association, Spring 2006, 14-16.
73. Schmetzer, K., Kiefert, L., Bernhardt, H.-J. & Burford, M. (2006): The variation of gemmological properties and chemical composition of gem-quality taaffeites and musgravites from Sri Lanka. – Aust. Gemmologist, Vol. 22, 485-492.
74. Kiefert, L., Krzemnicki, M.S., Du Toit, G., Befi, R. & Schmetzer, K. (2006): Sapphires from New Zealand. Proceedings of the 4th International Gemological Symposium & GIA Gemological Research Conference, August 2006. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 42, 113-114.
75. Befi, R., Kiefert, L., and Htut, M. (2006): Coated Topaz. Proceedings of the 4th International Gemological Symposium & GIA Gemological Research Conference, August 2006. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 42, 128-129.
76. Du Toit, G., Mayerson W., van der Bogert, C., Douman, M., Befi, R., Koivula, J.I. & Kiefert, L. (2006): Demantoid from Iran. Proceedings of the 4th International Gemological Symposium & GIA Gemological Research Conference, August 2006. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 42, 131.
77. Kiefert, L., Befi, R., & Harlow, G.E. (2007): Surface Coating of Topaz. Paper presented at the 30th International Gemmological Conference, Moscow, Russia, 2007.
78. Kiefert, L. (2007): Alexandrite from the Malyshewo emerald mine in Russia. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Ges., Vol. 56, 29-30.
79. Kiefert, L. (2007): Unusual Danburite Pair. Gems & Gemology, Gem News International, Vol. 53, 167-168.
80. Kiefert, L. (2009): The American Ban on Burmese Ruby, Implications for the Trade and Alternative sources. Proceedings of the 2nd International Gem and Jewelry Conference, 9-12 March 2009, Bangkok, p. 249.
81. Epelboym, M., Paralusz, S., Kan-Nyunt, H.-P., Circot, M. & Kiefert, L. (2009): The Characterization of Some Interesting Low Quality Natural Colored Diamonds. Proceedings of the 2nd International Gem and Jewelry Conference, 9-12 March 2009, Bangkok, pp. 118-120.
82. Epelboym, M., Paralusz, S., Kan-Nyunt, H.-P., Circot, M. & Kiefert, L. (2009): Picturesque Inclusions in Low Clarity Natural Colored Diamonds. American Gem Trade Association Prism, Winter 2009, 17-18.
83. Kiefert, L., Malsy, A. & Hardy, P. (2010): Unusual gemstone tapestry. Gems & Gemology, Gem News International, Vol. 46, No. 1, 71-72.
84. Karampelas, S.K. & Kiefert, L. (2010). Organic gems protected by CITES. InColor, Fall/Winter, Issue 15, pp. 20-23.
85. L. Kiefert, S. Karampelas (2011). Use of the Raman spectrometer in gemological laboratories: Review. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 119-124.
86. Kiefert, L. and Douman, M. (2011). Gem News International: Ruby from Liberia. Gems & Gemology, 47(2), 128.
87. Kiefert, L. (2011): Large synthetic quartz. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 47, No. 4, Gem News International, pp. 332-333.
88. Hughes, R.W., Leelawatanasuk, T., Manorotkul, W., Kwok B, Kiefert, L. & Marshall, A. C. (2012): The Chinese Box: A Guangzhou Jade Market Puzzle. J. Gemm. Assoc. Hong Kong, Vol. 33, 50-53.
89. Kiefert, L. (2012): Unusual trapiche sapphire. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 48, No. 3, Gem News International, p. 229.
90. L. Kiefert (2012): Jade and jade-like materials, The GemGuide, September/October 2012, 1 + 4-7.
91. L. Kiefert (2013): Black Opal from Lightning Ridge, Australia. The GemGuide, May/June 2013.
92. Kiefert, L. & Groenenboom, P. (2013): Imitation Larimar. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 49, No. 2, Gem News International, p. 124
93. L. Kiefert (2013): L’opale nero di Lightning Ridge, Australia. Rivista Gemmologica Italiana, Vol. 7, No. 3, 167-169.
94. L. Kiefert, P. Hardy, H.-P. Kan-Nyunt & D. Nyfeler (2013): Downstream! Update on Mining Activities in the Mogok, Burma Area. The GemGuide, September/October 2013.
95. Hpone-Phyo Kan-Nyunt, Stefanos Karampelas, Klemens Link, Kyaw Thu, Lore Kiefert, and Pierre Hardy (2013): Blue Sapphires from the Baw Mar Mine in Mogok. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 223–232
96. Kiefert, L., Hardy, P., Sintayehu, T., Abate, B. & Woldetinsae, G. (2014): New deposit of black opal from Ethiopia. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 50, No. 4, Gem News International, pp. 303-305.
97. Karampelas, S., Kiefert, L. & Xu, W. (2015): Large Cat’s Eye Emerald from Brazil. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 51, No. 2, Gem News International, pp. 200-201
98. Huber, B., Link, K., Kiefert, L. & Laurs, B. (2017): Borosilicate glass resembling gem crystals. – J. Gemm., Gem News, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 484-486
99. Zhou, C., Hodgkins, G., Lange, T., Saruwatari, K., Sturman, N., Kiefert, L. & Schollenbruch, K. (2017): Saltwater Pearls from the Pre- to Early Columbian Era: A Gemological and Radiocarbon Dating Study. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 53, No. 3, 286-295.
100. Elmaleh, E., Schmidt, S.Th., Karampelas, S., Link, K., Kiefert, L., Süssenberger, A. & Paul, A. (2019): U-Pb Ages of Zircon Inclusions in Sapphires from Ratnapura and Balangoda (Sri Lanka) and Implications for Geographic Origin. – Gems & Gemology, Vol. 55, No. 1, 18-28.
101. Krzemnicki, M.S., Cartier, L., Hughes, R.W., Leelawatanasuk, T., Kiefert, L., Choudhary, G., McClure, S., Milisena, C., Gambini, E., Kim, S., Schwarz, D., Dunaigre, C., Horikawa, Y. (2019): Sapphire Heated with Pressure – A Research Update. – InColor, Spring 2019 (Issue 42), 86-90
102. Kiefert, L., Wang, C., Sintayehu, T. & Link, K. (2019): Sunstone Labradorite-Bytownite from Ethiopia. – J. Gemm., Gem Notes, Vol. 36(8), 694-696
103. Kiefert, L. & Schollenbruch, K. (2020): Beschädigungen an Edelsteinen durch Reparaturlaser. Gold’Or, No. 1, 60-62
104. Xu, W., Link, K., Liu, C. & Kiefert, L. (2020): Age Determination of Zircon Inclusion in Kashmir Sapphire with U-Pb Dating. Journal of Gems and Gemmology, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1-12
105. Krzemnicki, M.S., Kiefert, L. & Schollenbruch, K. (2022): Damage caused to Gemstones by Lasers during Jewellery Repair. – J. Gemmol. Assoc. Hong Kong, Vol. 43, 23-27
Karampelas, S., Kiefert, L., Bersani, D. & Vandenabeele, P. (2020): Gems and Gemmology. An Introduction for Archaeologists, Art-Historians and Conservators. Series Title: Short Introduction to Cultural Heritage Science. – Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, 112 pp.2
Capitulos de libros (en orden cronológico)
- Kiefert, L., McTainsh, G.H. & Nickling, W.G. (1996): Sedimentological characteristics of Saharan and Australian dusts. In: Guerzoni, S. & Chester, R. (Ed.): The Impact of Desert Dust Across the Mediterranean. Kluwer, 183-190
107. Kiefert, L., Hänni, H.A. & Ostertag, T. (2001): Raman Spectroscopic Applications to Gemmology. In “Handbook of Raman Spectroscopy“, I.R.Lewis & H.G.M.Edwards (Editors), Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York Chapter 11, 469-489.
108. Häberli, S., Kiefert, L. (2003): Nulla parte mirabilior. Zur Verwendung von Edelsteinen in der Antike, Seite 30 – 34. In: Willers, D., Raselli-Nydegger, L.: Im Glanz der Götter und Heroen, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein, Deutschland.
109. Kiefert, L., Chalain, J.-P. & Häberli, S. (2005): Case Study: Diamonds, Gemstones and Pearls: From the Past to the Present. Chapter 22 in: Edwards, H.G.M. & Chalmers, J.M. (Eds): Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeology and Art History. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, XXI + 476 pp.
110. Schmetzer, K., with contributions of Bosshart G., Epelboym, M., Kiefert, L. & Malsy, A.-K. (2010): Russian Alexandrites. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, 141 pp.
111. S. Karampelas, L. Kiefert (2012). Gemstones and minerals, in: Analytical Archaeometry: Selected Topics (edited by H.G.M. Edwards and P. Vandenabeele), Royal Society of Chemistry publishing, pp. 291-317.
112. L. Kiefert, L., Epelboym, M., Kan-Nyunt, H. P. & Paralusz, S. (2012): Chapter 8b in Chalmers, J.M., Edwards, H.G.M. & Hargreaves, M.D. (Eds). Infrared and Raman
Spectroscopy in Forensic Science: Applications to the Study of Gems and Jewellery (pages 455-468), Wiley, Chichester.
113. Kiefert, L., Hardy, P., Schollenbruch, K. & Xu, W. (2018): New Case Studies: Diamonds, Jades, Corundum and Spinel. In: Vandenabeele, P. & Edwards, H. (Eds): Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeology and Art History. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019, 254-270.
Revisión de libros
- Kiefert, L. (2001): Book Review: Farblose Farben: Farbe und Lumineszenz von Mineralien. Eine Einführung in die kristallchemischen und kristallphysikalischen Ursachen by G. Steffen. Nachrichten aus der Chemie, Vol. 49, No. 2, 191
115. Kiefert, L. (2007): Book Review: Gemmology, 3. Ed. by Peter G. Read. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 53, 185.
116. Kiefert, L. (2017): Book Review: Ruby & Sapphire – A Gemologist’s Guide by R. Hughes, W. Manorotkul, and E.B. Hughes. J. Gemm., Vol. 35, No. 6, 581-582.
117. Kiefert, L. (2019): Book Review: The Heat Treatment of Ruby & Sapphire: Experiments & Observations, 3rd Ed., Vol. 1: Attributes of Ruby-Sapphire and Related Heating Technology by Ted Themelis. J. Gemm., Vol. 36, No. 3, 263-265.
118. Kiefert, L. (2022): Book Review: Jade – A Gemologist’s Guide
Master’s Thesis
119. Kiefert, L. (1987): Mineralogische Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung und Unterscheidung natuerlicher und synthetischer Sapphire. – Diplomarbeit, Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut der Universitaet Heidelberg, 203 pp.
120. Kiefert, L. (1995): Characteristics of Wind Transported Dust in Eastern Australia, Ph.D. Thesis, Griffith University, Nathan, Qld., Australia, pp. 324.